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SSRS_Drill Down , Drill through report and Subreport.

Drill down Report: (Making Reports Interactive/Dynamic):

Ex:           +YearNo





Drill down Effect:

Column Name


Toggles Item



















For Name in the Row Groups.

Do the setting below:

Similarly for the column groups also you are supposed to do this.

Grouping the Data

After Grouping 

Keep the First Column and Delete the nect Column.

If you want to change the colour of the Fonts based on certain condition, you do this ,

To Add Row number in the right side of the report , you do the following settings in the text box Expression .

this will add the Expresssion for Row no.

To show particular no of records in the page , we use the following.

 To make the now of rows to be displayed as a dynamic value , you can create a parameter and assign the parameter value to the expression written.

Expression for having different colour of rows.

Drill Through Report

1st Report 

when you click on a Particular branch in the first report , the similar value should be reflected in the secoond report.
For doing that , go to first report and click on Text box properties in the first report.

Give the Name of the Second Report , and Bam , the requirement is done , thus we have obtained a Drill through report.

Subreport : One Report is being rendered in the same report is called as Subreport.


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About Me

I am a Azure Data Engineer/ Data Engineer with more than 4 years of full-time work experience and around 3.4+ years of experience in different Microsoft Technologies ( Azure Data Factory ,Azure SQL, Azure Data lake Gen 2).  I currently work mainly with Azrue Data Factory, Azure SQL, T-SQL, Blob Storages as well as XML and working on Development and Deployment.  My Technical skills are Azure Data Factory, Azure SQL, ADLS, SSIS, SSRS. Keywords Relevant to me : • ETL/ELT  • Business Intelligence • Data warehouse • Data engineer I like Learning new Tech, so in free time i explore learning about tech , taking courses on Digital Platforms and attending online workshops. I like Singing and Cycling as my hobby. If you want to get in touch, find me at 'Gauravthamada gmail com'