Skipping of rows from the TSV file can very easily done by just mentioning in a Text box which is present in the Flat File configuration wizard.
Start with the Below screen shot ( Before Script Task) and you will come to know about the senario. Note : The Script Component also works for the special characters within the Data as well . for ex "A$hish" Hover over the below Regex. it will show > Show potential fixes > in that Select System.Text.RegularExpressions. The Below will disappear. Use the Below Script. public override void Input0_ProcessInputRow(Input0Buffer Row) { Row.CustomerID = RemoveSpecialCharacters(Row.CustomerID); Row.NameStyle = RemoveSpecialCharacters(Row.NameStyle); Row.Title = RemoveSpecialCharacters(Row.Title); Row.FirstName = RemoveSpecialCharacters(Row.FirstName); Row.LastName = RemoveSpecialCharacters(Row.LastName); Row.CompanyName = RemoveSpecialCharacters(Row.CompanyName); Row.SalesPerson = RemoveSpecialCharacters(Row.SalesPerson); Row.EmailAddress = RemoveSpecialCharacters(Row.EmailAddress); Row.Phone = RemoveSpecialCharacters(Row.Phone); } public static string ...